Check Out My Projects
*I build in public. Some projects may have limited functionality.
- Start Date: 2024-02-01
- Status: ⚠️ Work in Progress ⚠️
- Site URL: TBD (probably going to be
- GitHub URL:
- Summary: This project is going to be a PWA that allows users to create and manage notes. The purpose of this project is to give me something with a practical application so I can learn more about Angular and Firebase. I'm particularly interested in Firebase Authentication, Firebase Hosting, Cloud Firestore, and Cloud Functions. I've also never made a PWA that can manage state while the device is offline, so that'll be fun too!
- Technologies: Typescript, Angular Framework, Material UI, Firebase Hosting, Firebase Authentication, Cloud Firestore, Cloud Functions, Google Cloud Build
- Start Date: 2024-01-22
- Status: 🎉 Functional & Maintained 🎉
- Site URL:
- GitHub URL:
- Summary: This project holds the blog that you're reading right now! The purpose of this project is to share my experience as an I.T. Security Operations Engineer learning about software engineering, and to understand the implementation of Google Ads and Analytics.
- Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Astro, Markdown, Google Cloud Build, Google Cloud Run, Buildpacks
- Start Date: 2024-01-11
- Status: 🎉 Functional & Maintained 🎉
- Site URL:
- GitHub URL:
- Summary: An extremely simple proxy API deployed to Google Cloud using source code based deployment. The purpose of this project is to learn about how to securely deploy API keys to client facing applications. It currently only proxies requests to, but eventually this will act as the primary API proxy for my Angular Playground Project. Additional functionality is currently waiting for additional features to be added to the Angular Playground Project.
- Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, Express, Google Cloud Build, Google Cloud Run, Buildpacks
- Start Date: 2024-01-03
- Status: 🎉 Functional & Maintained 🎉
- Site URL:
- GitHub URL:
- Summary: An Angular web app contains several components such as reversing text, getting random cat photos via an API call to the playground-api, and showing ip information via api calls to the ip-reflector-service. The purpose of this project is to learn the different features and design patterns for Angular applications.
- Technologies: Typescript, Angular Framework, Firebase Hosting (prod env), Material UI, Google Cloud Build (dev env), Google Cloud App Engine (dev env)
- Start Date: 2023-08-30
- Status: 🎉 Functional & Maintained 🎉
- Site URL:
- GitHub URL:
- Summary: Originally created to mimic the functionality of this project has expanded to act as an API proxy for and will eventually provide APIs and a web interface to use other network related services. The purpose of this project is to practice backend programming and learn advanced features of asynchronous programming with Rust
- Technologies: Rust, Axum, Reqwest, Google Cloud Build, Google Cloud Run, Docker