Life Update Mar 01 2024

Greetings! I’m still kicking.

I don’t wan’t to get into the details of my surgery or anything like that, but I think I’m almost ready to get back to studying. March 7th is a pretty important date that will influence this, but until we get there we don’t need to worry about it.

I’ve recently found myself back on tech twitter, looking at the projects and general chattering that goes on there. It’s got me kind of excited to get started up.

Currently I’m running about a 75 hour study deficit, so I’ll have to study an extra 75 hours above the normal to get caught back up. Kind of sucks, but honestly I’ve been worn thin by everything that’s been going on in my life so I won’t beat myself up about it.

I’ve got to go back to my study list to see where I was at in my projects. It’s been so long that I don’t remember exactly, but I think I may ease my way back into studying by grabbing some books and reading through some syntax or design patterns. Something to get the juices flowing without completely wringing out my brain.

I’ve got a rust book that I won frmo a give away on twitter that could really use my attention! I was thinking about building something you could install on a computer to run in the background and make calls to container based server so that you could track the public IP address of your device in case it ever got stolen. I’m sure there’s already plenty of stuff like that you can use now, but I think it would be a fun project that would be a mix of API calls and Rust.

Anyway… Just making this post to really keep myself motivated. If anybody reads this, take time to hug someone from your family today.